Courtland Allen Apps

Catan Monopoly Tracker 1.0
Want to beat your friends at Catan? Thenyouneed to master the most powerful card in the game: themonopolycard.The monopoly card lets you steal all of one type of resourcefromyour opponents. If you waste it, you might end up stealing 1or 2cards, or none at all. But if you play it wisely, it can winyou thegame.Catan Monopoly Tracker helps you play your monopolycardwisely.When you get a monopoly card, open this app. Every time thediceare rolled, press the + button for each card your opponentspickup. When your opponents spend cards, press the - button foreachcard they give to the bank. Be patient, and wait until there'salarge abundance of one type of resource, then play yourmonopolycard!FAQ:Q: Is this cheating?A: No, there is nothing in the Catan rules against keeping trackofcards using your memory, paper, or even an app. Still, yourfriendsmight take exception to this, or they might use this appthemselvesto play monopoly against you, so we recommend keepingitsecret!Q: When is the best time to use my monopoly card?A: When your opponents have lots of one type of card, especiallyifit's valuable. Usually, the best move is to wait until therearelots of settlements and cities built, so your opponents arepickingup lots of cards, and then call monopoly on ore, since it'sthemost valuable late-game card.Q: When should I start tracking?A: We recommend you start tracking once you get your monopolycard,but by that point people will already have cards in theirhandsthat you haven't tracked. So if you want to, you can starttrackingas soon the game begins!